Friday, 5th October 2012
My First Blog
Hi guys,
Ok.. so most of you know that I shall soon be leaving for Australia, actually its only 18 days now!!
Most of you are also aware of how terrible I am at keeping in contact with everyone, as much as I do want to still be involved in your lives!
Then when I saw Johanna's blog and I realised how much easier it was to keep up to date on what was going on in her life, and I am now a dedicated fan and I pretty much check it every day! haha.
So I thought I could give it a go.. I know my grammar and punctuation is nowhere near as good as it really should be for a blog, but I thought it would be an interesting way of keeping you guys up to date, especially as I'm even further away than I have ever been from most of you!
Alistair, this goes to you, try not to judge my terrible writing and any grammatical mistakes I make as I know it does frustrate you so, haha.
Anyways.. here it goes, I shall see how well I take to blogging :)
I'm so excited you have a blog and to see and read about all your stories! We will skype before you leave! WE WILL. XXX