Saturday 27 October 2012

Singapore Zoo

Many of you know that I have an absolute affinity for zoos and this all stems from my first visit years ago to Singapore Zoo where I fell in love with all the animals and their enclosures so a visit to the zoo whilst in Singapore was essential, in-fact it played a large part in our decision to make the stopover here!  

So yesterday we got ourselves up early and were at the zoo by 9 o-clock! In an attempt to miss the midday sun and large crowds, although the zoo being as large as it is we hadn't even made it halfway before the sun was as tom would put it 'melting us slowly', however watching the sea-lion show and getting repeatedly splashed did the trick to cool us down and prepare us for the rest of the zoo. 

Tom couldn't help but repeatedly tell me how much he loved the zoo and we were amazed to find that there are now free ranging Organgutans that climb amongst the trees right above you, we had a lovely treat of bamboo being dropped on our heads by the messy younger Organgutans. 

The rest of the zoo was lovely, but by the time we hit the 4 o-clock mark we were rather shattered so we made one last visit to the baboons enclosure which happened to be Toms favourite and headed back to the house. Where Tom, surprise, surprise fell asleep again, although it isn't good for his jetlag it has been rather handy him having his daily naps it gives me the chance to write on the blog.. hope your all enjoying and the weather back in England isn't too bad! 

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