Tuesday 30 October 2012

Arrival in Sydney

After our arrival into Sydney we proceeded to collect our Campervan, we were told was named Captain Kirk. Bright orange and rather large we aren't difficult to miss amongst the quiet suburbs just outside Sydney and surprise surprise we made ourselves stand out that much more as we found ourselves constantly lost and going around in circles. A journey that was supposed to take us around thirty minutes at best took us about an hour and a half! However, looking on the bright side we did get a good trip around sydney harbour bridge and sydney opera house.. 
What felt like an age we finally arrived at the campsite which it turns out is more a trailer park as most people live here permanently we found it has a lovely pool and wild parrots chirping the trees.. 
We once again decided to make our way into the city centre as it was only 11 by the time we were all set up, however yet again my navigating skills let us down and we were lost once again, but managed to laugh it off... had a look round the main roads and some of the supermarkets and are now back at the campsite, me writing whilst tom reads through the maps choosing our next camp :) 

Monday 29 October 2012

East Coat Park and the Night Safari

As the family we're staying with live so close to East Coast Park we thought it was important that we make the trip there and it was the closest to the perfect opportunity for Tom and I to go on our run that we'd said we'd go on since being here, however it is slightly different weather to back in the UK and to my dismay Tom had us running in 35 degree temperatures in the midday sun! However, once we got on our way we didn't struggle "too" much. The park was as lovely as ever as we ran along the sea on the right and jungle on the left it distracted us from the struggle of running as there was so much to look at.. Once we'd reached the edge of the park we stopped for a chinese lunch of fried rice and fresh crayfish which did the job to push us on to run back to the start.. We arrived back the house sweaty and worn out but pleased with our perseverance. 

We headed to the night safari just as it hit dusk where we were meeting Lottie to see the creatures of the night.. 
It was good, however we struggle se some of the animals in the dark, but enjoyed the sights of the roaming deer, rhino and new baby giraffe that was born just a few days ago. 

Saturday 27 October 2012

Singapore Zoo

Many of you know that I have an absolute affinity for zoos and this all stems from my first visit years ago to Singapore Zoo where I fell in love with all the animals and their enclosures so a visit to the zoo whilst in Singapore was essential, in-fact it played a large part in our decision to make the stopover here!  

So yesterday we got ourselves up early and were at the zoo by 9 o-clock! In an attempt to miss the midday sun and large crowds, although the zoo being as large as it is we hadn't even made it halfway before the sun was as tom would put it 'melting us slowly', however watching the sea-lion show and getting repeatedly splashed did the trick to cool us down and prepare us for the rest of the zoo. 

Tom couldn't help but repeatedly tell me how much he loved the zoo and we were amazed to find that there are now free ranging Organgutans that climb amongst the trees right above you, we had a lovely treat of bamboo being dropped on our heads by the messy younger Organgutans. 

The rest of the zoo was lovely, but by the time we hit the 4 o-clock mark we were rather shattered so we made one last visit to the baboons enclosure which happened to be Toms favourite and headed back to the house. Where Tom, surprise, surprise fell asleep again, although it isn't good for his jetlag it has been rather handy him having his daily naps it gives me the chance to write on the blog.. hope your all enjoying and the weather back in England isn't too bad! 

Thursday 25 October 2012

MacRitchie Reservoir

Attempting to make the most of our time in Singapore Tom and I decided to take what was supposed to be a morning trip to MacRitchie Reservoir where it was going to be a leisurely walk amongst the tropical rainforest... however, not everything went to plan, although enjoyable all the same. 

We chose to do the the tree top walk, which in itself lets you imagine its quite a hike, but we thought we'd venture it.. we began our walk in now what was the midday sun. 

As soon as we were at the entrance we were met with a number of monkeys all looking up in interest at as and making way as we walked on, we could constantly hear the rustling in the trees as we continued along the track. 

We soon had been walking for at least an hour and I realised this wasn't going to be the walk in the park I thought it was going to be, but Tom urged me on  as we hit the 5km point. 
Onwards and upwards we went and we soon reached the tree top bridge which let us view a beautiful view out over the rainforest and onto the reservoir, all worth the long hike in the thirty degree weather! 

Although I did enjoy the walk up I may have been a bit difficult (to say the least) on the way back.. However after a quick journey home and into the shower all was good once again. 

A shout out to Gerry, a photo I took with you in mind.. hope you enjoy! 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Half way there..

Just arrived in Singapore, lovely weather and not actually tired, unfortunately can't say the same for Tom who didn't get much sleep, may have had a little to do with the fact that I was using him as a pillow.. but I think mainly to do with the large selection of good films on offer! 
Soon off to see Lottie Hayward.. :)  
5 days and  we shall finally have touched down in Sydney! 

Tuesday 23 October 2012

The day has finally arrived... :)

So today is the day I leave.. it has finally arrived and along with that so has all the squashing and pushing to squeeze everything into my bags! 

As you can see, we're not going with the compact and easy to travel with luggage..but you need a bit of everything! And as tom keeps pointing out the majority of this is mine, and I have managed pack two suitcases!

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Just under a week until I leave...
The packing has begun and the concern at my need to take literally anything and everything I may need has now lead to my second bag brought out :/
However, I'm getting very excited and everything seems to be falling into place.. we have paid our deposit on the camper-van we have for the first week as we travel along the coast from Sydney to Brisbane.
Our friend jon has also booked his visit already! Coming in December, the rest of you get your flights booked! :)

Friday 5 October 2012

Friday, 5th October 2012 

My First Blog

Hi guys, 

Ok.. so most of you know that I shall soon be leaving for Australia, actually its only 18 days now!! 
Most of you are also aware of how terrible I am at keeping in contact with everyone, as much as I do want to still be involved in your lives! 
Then when I saw Johanna's blog and I realised how much easier it was to keep up to date on what was going on in her life, and I am now a dedicated fan and I pretty much check it every day! haha. 
So I thought I could give it a go.. I know my grammar and punctuation is nowhere near as good as it really should be for a blog, but I thought it would be an interesting way of keeping you guys up to date, especially as I'm even further away than I have ever been from most of you! 

Alistair, this goes to you, try not to judge my terrible writing and any grammatical mistakes I make as I know it does frustrate you so, haha. 

Anyways.. here it goes, I shall see how well I take to blogging :)