Wednesday 28 November 2012

Last night Tom and I decided to go for a walk in the evening and found a beautiful sky, just a few photos from the evening, not the best, but tried to get some good shots. 

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Another busy week.

Not to be repeating myself, but yet again Tom and I have had another busy week, we've now been in our new apartment for two weeks, although it feels like two months!! 

The beginning of the week was a rather sleepless one for the city of Surfers Paradise, the beginning of the week saw thousands of 17 year olds arriving here for their end of exams partying.. turning this relatively quiet city upside down, they were here for just under a week, leaving a week ago, taking their constant screaming with them!! As well as having the schoolies upon us we also had some rather dramatic thunderstorms.. but it meant we were eager for work as not much can be done in those thunderstorms. 

So it has been work, work, work, but as you all know Tom and I can always find time to relax and have some fun as well :) 

Here you can see Tom at 7pm when he got back from working catching up on some sleep!!

And here I am being looked after by Tufty with some yoghurt after a hard day at work, Tom tucked me in with our duvet as there was a MASSIVE thunder storm that night...  looking rather tanned if I do say so myself!! although I have nothing on toms tan. 

So we have a few days off together so we've taken full advantage and we made it down to the beach to top up our tans :) -- we dug ourselves out a chair so that we could sit up and look at the sea..   

Now just awaiting the arrival of Jon Whibley :)  shall a few days of fun before I'm back at work on Monday. 

Oh and mum, we have been using your egg cups, Tom has perfected the boiled eggs!! :D 

Hope that everyone is ok in England with the flooding going on there.. and everyone is staying safe. 

Friday 16 November 2012

I have been disappointed with my lack of posts lately on here, but I think it feels a lot longer for me than any of you, but we've finally got internet in our apartment so I should be a lot more reliable.. 

We've been in our new apartment for 6 days now and starting to finally get into our routine. 

Here's a few photos to see our cute little apartment. 

The Bedroom. 

Tom in the living room. 

The Kitchen :) 

ze balcony.. 

And finally, the view from our apartment, yes we can see the sea!! :D 

We also have a nice pool two floors down from us which I have taken to doing some lengths in when I get the chance and the sea is 5 minutes walk away, where Tom does his morning runs... 

We are really happy with the location as well although we have a slightly strange old style photography shop it is brilliant. 
Our apartment is starting to get very homely now with tufty in his new found home and we have a list of places and things we hope to see whilst we're in Australia during our days off, not sure we'll get through them all though as there are over 20 activities/locations on there!! 

Other than that Tom starts work next week and his first week his rota shows he'll be working a 53 hours! So we're both going to be very busy, as his first official day he's working 9 till 9.. but all for a good cause if we manage to save enough to travel towards the end of our time here! 

Saturday 10 November 2012

Its been a hectic few days, even though I haven't started working full time yet! 

I've been shown around the hotel and have actually been put into an office/reception for the time being whilst I get used to the speed of the hotel which is drastically different to the that of the Queens hotel in Cheltenham. 

I've really only been working around 4 hours a day, giving Tom and I the chance to get used to our surroundings. We've been to surfers paradise centre where Tom's pretty much handed his CV into every place, we've also been to three apartment viewings, finding one that is perfect for us! 10 minutes walk away from where I work and about the same time to get to the centre of surfers paradise, which is perfect from Tom and the places he's applied. 
Although, we have been busy getting ourselves I can't say we have been able to resist the lure of the golden sands and crystal clear water. However, there was a slight shock to the system as contrary to the seas in Asia that I'm used to the waves are slightly rougher to say the least! In fact, they are that strong that I got taken out as soon a met the first wave I was taken out and as soon as I attempted to get myself back on my feet I was taken out again.. much to Tom's amusement I must say! 

After those few days, yesterday and today have been constant don't feel too bad back in the UK! We still get rain here... although slightly warmer than the offerings back in england. 

Sorry that the posts aren't as elaborate ad I'd like and nowhere near as consistent. However, once we're properly settled and have some form of routine I'm sure they will be a lot more regular! 

Lots of love Bea and Tom! x x x 

Saturday 3 November 2012

Last three days -- toms birthday..

We managed to make it through our first night, although whilst outside the weather had drastically dropped from the 30 degrees we'd experienced in the day our campervan had managed to retain all the heat during the day and it felt as if we were roasting alive.. however, this wasn't too much of a concern to us at the time as we were absoloutely shattered. 

The next day we realised we were so near to Bondi beach it would have been rude not to pay it a visit, we walked along the beach taking in everything we say and found out that whilst Australia is warm the sea is not!! We enjoyed it all the same and Tom fell in love with the fitness work out area on the beach but wasn't to sure he'd fit in with all the body builders! We had to collect our bankcards from Sydney and realised the day before that parking in the city wasn't really an option unless you paid an extoritanate amount of money, so we attempted to figure out the puplic transport system in Australia.. two buses, the underground and monorail later we'd gotten lost and retraced our steps to find ourselves in the centre of Sydney once again, to then realise our bank cards were to be picked up in Brisbane!! 
To prevent our trip being a total waste of time we had a look around the beautiful city and made our way down to the harbour and discovered to our delight that all Mc Donalds have free wireless, no need to pay for internet again! 
We then came to the conclusion that we'd make our way out of Sydney on the evening of the 31st and go to a near by campsite just an hour away, but this did not go to plan at all.. after driving for at least two hours we found the campsite to be closed, by this point it was around 11 pm and we had a campervan and no campsite.. so we took to the map and found the place we wanted to be,  summed up we drove till 2am to a rest stop on the pacific highway and began driving at 5am the next morning and finally made it to our chosen destination of Maquarie Port by 10 am. 
We found ourselves a lovely campsite with a pool and beautiful beach meters away and were in the sea within in mintues.. our first day really relaxing. 

Whilst I'm sure you are able to realise that not everything isn't quite going to plan you all already know that myself and Tom aren't the most organised, however we're really enjoying ourselves and are so far managing our money well! 

Heres a picture of Captain Kirk, kept immaculate by tom!! and its mascot tufty! bought at singapore zoo... 

Tom would like to me say thank you to everyone for his cards and presents.. he might buy himself some sungalsses with the money :)