Friday 16 November 2012

I have been disappointed with my lack of posts lately on here, but I think it feels a lot longer for me than any of you, but we've finally got internet in our apartment so I should be a lot more reliable.. 

We've been in our new apartment for 6 days now and starting to finally get into our routine. 

Here's a few photos to see our cute little apartment. 

The Bedroom. 

Tom in the living room. 

The Kitchen :) 

ze balcony.. 

And finally, the view from our apartment, yes we can see the sea!! :D 

We also have a nice pool two floors down from us which I have taken to doing some lengths in when I get the chance and the sea is 5 minutes walk away, where Tom does his morning runs... 

We are really happy with the location as well although we have a slightly strange old style photography shop it is brilliant. 
Our apartment is starting to get very homely now with tufty in his new found home and we have a list of places and things we hope to see whilst we're in Australia during our days off, not sure we'll get through them all though as there are over 20 activities/locations on there!! 

Other than that Tom starts work next week and his first week his rota shows he'll be working a 53 hours! So we're both going to be very busy, as his first official day he's working 9 till 9.. but all for a good cause if we manage to save enough to travel towards the end of our time here! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow apartment looks really nice! Amazing location. And what is wrong with the strange old style photography shop??? hahah wish I could come visit you there. xxx
